Genshin Impact CHARMS


  • Diluc
  • Zhongli
  • Childe
  • Venti
  • Kaeya
  • Itto
  • Gorou
  • Razor
  • Xiao
  • Albedo
  • Thoma
  • Choose Any 3 ($28.00)
  • Choose Any 6 ($52.00)

Payment Methods

Visa Mastercard Amex Discover Jcb Diners Paypal


Portrait charms showing Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Venti, Itto, Gorou, Xiao, Albedo, Razor, and Thoma from Genshin Impact!
The charms are approx. 2" tall (5 cm), made of acrylic, with a double sided print. The backside shows the same image, just mirrored.

You can choose a finish for your charm! Choose between keyring, phone strap, ballchain, and phone strap with dust plug (dust plug is used to fasten it into a headphone jack on phones/tablets). If you don't specify you want a different finish, you will get a keyring.

This is a FAN MADE product, not official merchandise.